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“We don’t just run cornhole. We play cornhole. And we don’t just play cornhole, we play to win!”

Check out our ACL Pro video profile just released by the ACL. There are certainly some funny moments captured in our interview. It was an awesome experience for sure.

Now, some may be asking? Pro cornhole? That’s a thing? It certainly is and it’s awesome. As a matter of fact, I am an ACL Director and all of our South Florida Cornhole events are ACL points earning with multiple skill levels. However, this is about playing cornhole. And last season as competitors in the American Cornhole League (ACL) we both earned ACL Pro status which gives the Top 128 players (individually ranked) the opportunity to do so. As ACL Pros we compete in an additional Pro Doubles Division at each of the 4 Nationals across the country and the ACL Championships August 6-11 in Pennsylvania. There is also the Pro Invitational which we are currently working qualify to compete in plus you can also Vote us in here – Choose Region 4 (go to page 4, region 4 to do so). I’m also pumped to announce I made Top 32 of ACL Males which qualifies me to compete in a single elimination singles event for $10k to seek the title of DEVOUR Man of the Year. Wish me luck as my first match is July 5th in Connecticut at the ACL National Final Chase Event at Mohegan Sun.


Ultimately it’s a collective season points battle at local, regional, conference and National events. Last season I finished the season ranked #41 overall and qualified to compete on the Southeast Conference World Cup team (Top 16) where our conference finished 3rd in the championship. As for Rosie, she made a name for herself years ago in the cornhole world and has continued to stay atop in the women’s divisions as well as in the advanced divisions. Rosie also competes in women’s doubles with Sam Finley (Clermont, FL). They have been doing great and have appeared on ESPN Live in 2 of 3 women’s finals. We all travel to Connecticut to compete July 3-6th.


We are very thankful for the great strides that the ACL continues to create for the sport. Stacey Moore, ACL Commissioner, leads the way along with an amazing ACL staff. It’s not just tournaments and events, it’s software and media where they have also made themselves the clear leaders and advocates of cornhole.


We are also especially excited this year to represent Dave & Busters as our main title sponsor for our ACL Pro Doubles team. We also represent them through all of our South Florida Cornhole events. So be sure to ask us for supercharge play cards before you head to any Dave and Busters in the country. Be sure to tell them we sent you, take a photo and tag South Florida Cornhole and Board Men Cornhole on social media too!

Throughout the year Rosie and I are playing to raise money to buy students much-needed books at her elementary school, Grove Park. We have created a cause called Bags4Books.

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