We are proud to offer the opportunity through our events and the ACL to give each and every player a path to greatness should they choose to do so. Whether your a backyard cornhole king or you’ve never really played in a tournament before, at South Florida Cornhole our goal is to give you the tools and experiences you need to do so. If you’re a person who finds competition in everything you do then you are in the right place. We know as soon as you throw that first bag you are hooked!
Below are our 5 current local American Cornhole League (ACL) Pros. Each of these players are veterans of the game and have earned their spot to become an ACL Pro which is a huge feat alone. So on any given day you may find one of these players at a local, regional, conference, national and most recently over the past few years on ESPN, ACLDN, NBC Sports (and soon to be CBS). The game of cornhole offers an unimaginable gateway of opportunity, friendships, and travel. As pros, we are the game’s biggest advocates and our goal is to help and recruit new players and fans! WE PLAY BECAUSE WE LOVE IT!
Find out how you can get involved by emailing davis@southfloridacornhole.com.

Rosie Streker
ACL PRO / South Florida Cornhole Director / ACL Pro partner: Davis Streker / Pro Women's partner: Samantha Finley / Preferred Bags: Allcornhole Gamechangers
Davis Streker
ACL PRO / ACL Regional Director / Owner South Florida Cornhole

Lori Dool
ACL PRO / South Florida Cornhole & ACL Local Director / ACL Pro Doubles & Women's partner: April Chismark / Preferred Bags: Lucky Bags

Scott Schultz
ACL PRO / Preferred Bags: Kings Throw'N

Chris Cuccia
ACL PRO / Pro partner: Scott Lane / Preferred Bags: Local Bags / TikTok: cornyholes
Full Bios

Rosie Streker, ACL PRO
Rosie Streker, native of Palm Beach Gardens, has been at the top of the ranks for about 9 years ever since she has competed at a national level. She has been awarded Pro status every single year she has competed. Her resume is one of the strongest of all the women in the game amongst men and women. If you think you recognize here, well you do. Most likely from countless performances on ESPN with the ACL. Since 2016 with the ACL she has won 2 National Women’s Championship titles, a World Women’s Doubles Championship title in 2019, and multiple ACL Southeast Conference Championship titles in singles and doubles. She has also had appeared in the finals on TV 7 of the 8 nationals in 2 years. She also was awarded Woman Player of Year in 2016 and has more than 5 other national wins. Rosie Streker is a proven player amongst men and women with extensive national attention and is one of the most dominant women in the game at the highest level with so many other top women in the field. In 2020 Rosie, and her husband Davis Streker, welcomed their 2 newest editions to their family with 2 twin girls in February so they both missed a good portion of the last season and did not compete in the 2020 World Championship. But are both now back and ready to compete
Fun Facts:
- Profession: Teacher
- Women’s Doubles partner: Samantha Finley (ACL Pro)
- ACL Pro Doubles partner: Davis Streker (ACL Pro) and husband
- Throwing style: Right-handed, full-step
- Favorite Bag: All Cornhole Game Changer
- Active Sponsors: All Cornhole, AAR Cornhole
ACL Accolades:
- 2017 World Women’s Blind Draw Champions w/ April Chismark (ACL Pro)
- 2018 ACL Women’s Singles – ACL Southeast Conference Event #3
- 2016 ACL Southeast Conference World Club Cup Team, top 16 rank
- 2017 ACL Southeast Conference World Club Cup Team, top 16 rank
- 2018 ACL Southeast Conference World Club Cup Team, top 16 rank
- 2019 ACL Southeast Conference World Club Cup Team, top 16 rank
- 2019 ACL National Women’s Doubles Champion (w/ Sam Finley, ACL Pro)
- 2019 ACL World Women’s Doubles Champion (w/ Sam Finley, ACL Pro)
- 2019 ACL Women’s Singles – ACL Southeast Conference Event #1
- 2019 ACL Women’s Singles – ACL Southeast Conference Event #2
- 2020 ACL Women’s Doubles Champion – ACL Southeast Conference (w/ Sam Finley, ACL Pro)
- 2020 USA Cornhole, qualified to compete in the USAC National Championship

Lori Dool
Lori Dool, ACL PRO, Local Director
Lori Dool is a first-year PRO with the ACL after starting to play Cornhole competitively in December 2017. Dool and her Women’s Doubles partner, Jackie Saysone, came onto the scene during the 2019-2020 season by taking 3rd at the World Championships and 4th at National #1. She also had a breakout performance with Ricky Montez at the Landshark Co-Ed Tournament, taking 2nd overall out of 48 qualifying teams across four states. Dool is a methodical and focused player that brings a unique perspective to the game through her years of athletics and coaching experience.
- Nov. 2020 ACL Conference-Women’s- 3rd Place
- Nov. 2020 ACL Conference-Crew Cup- 4th Place
- Nov. 2020 ACL Regional Doubles- 1st Place
- August 2020 ACL World Championships- Women’s- 2nd Place
- August 2020- ESPN Appearance
- August 2020- ACL World Championships- Doubles – 5th Place
- August 2020 ACL World Championships- Crew Cup – 7th Place
- February 2020 ACL National- Women’s- 3rd Place
- December 2019 ACL Landshark Co-Ed Finals- 2nd Place
- October 2019 Landshark Co-Ed Series, Grumpy Gary’s- 1st Place
- September- December 2019 Landshark Co-Ed Series, Township FTL- 1st Place
- September- December 2019 Landshark Co-Ed Series, Pirates Well- 1st Place
- February 2019 ACL National- Women’s- 4th Place
- January 2019 ACL Conference-Singles- 4th Place
Video links:

Davis Streker
Davis Streker, ACL PRO, Regional Director
Davis Streker is the owner and creator of South Florida Cornhole owner which he started in 2014. I’ve been playing in tournaments for 8 years now and starting his 4th year as ACL Pro with his wife Rosie Streker. He was the first ACL Director in Florida and has been since 2014 when the ACL created its first national tour with Shipyard Brewing. Host to the first ACL Florida State championship. USA Cornhole board member, club member & qualified in 2020 to compete in the USAC National Championships.
- Southeast Conference World Cup team every season since 2016. This is done by finishing Top 16 in the ACL Southeast Conference.
- July 2018 Southeast Conference World Cup 3rd place
- 2019 – Qualified Top 32 Male Pros 2019 to earn a spot in the $10,000 Devour Man of the Year event.
- 7 Top 5 ACL National finishes in Singles & Doubles
- October 2020 – Qualified to compete in the USA Cornhole National with NBC Sports by winning the Florida State Virtual Men’s event
- Maxed out in Doubles and Singles 1st Place ACL Regional wins each season. The max amount of wins that count for standings are 5 and 5.
- ACL Regional Director since 2014
- ACL Co-Conference Director since 2017 when they were established.
- Owner South Florida Cornhole
- USA Cornhole Board Member
Fun Facts:
- Lead designer for the ACL assisting in branding, app, and bracket design, as well as designing the full line of ACL jerseys for players, pros, directors, and the special national TV broadcasts, and much more since 2017.
- You’ll find Davis’s design work all over the globe in the cornhole world and on ESPN, NBC, NBC Sports, CBS, CBS Sports

Scott Schultz
Scott Schultz, ACL PRO
Scott Schultz began playing Cornhole while I was at UCF with some of my buddies. He was hooked from there and with a competitive side from my younger days of competing in tournaments almost every weekend for bowling, he knew this was something that I wanted to pursue.
Scott won multiple state championships in NY for high school, regional tournaments for the northeast, many finals appearances from ages 14-21, shot my first 300 game when I was 15 at the largest tournament of the year on the east coast, had numerous 300s and 800 series.. But nothing compared to bowling for a team in college and traveling the country, he bowled hos first 2 years and held the highest average among rookies in the nation for a smaller school called Briarcliffe College on Long Island in NY, where I grew up. Then he moved to Orlando to join the top-ranked college team in the country for 2 years. Since then, he has lived in Florida (mostly in Orlando and West Palm Beach) and recently in the Jacksonville area for awhile.
He learned my stance and how to throw from several different people. First, John Artz and Danny Dow in Orlando showed him some things, then after a little bit, Rosie Streker, ACL Pro, taught him how to hold the bag the way that I still do today.
He is thankful to John, Danny and Rosie as well as Davis Streker for pushing me to be better. Davis was the person that pushed for him to start traveling in this game and try to become a pro. He has always helped anyone that wants to learn and get better, he spends almost all of his spare time running tournaments and helping new players! Thank you!
For the past 5 years or so, Scott has been competing in Cornhole at the highest level against the very best players in the world. He has won and placed in some very large tournaments around the nation over the years, including an ACL national title in crew while playing on ESPN. He is happy to be an ambassador for the game of Cornhole while we are still in the pioneering stages of it becoming one of the most popular games played around the world.
He earned pro status back in 2015 and looks forward to continuing to represent this game with the highest integrity on the highest level for some time to come.
Look out for him this year!!
Cornhole Achievements:
- 1st place crew at the 2019 ACL national #3 in AZ.
- 5th place doubles at Spencer Makenzie’s in the largest cornhole tournament ever with 336 teams.
- 2nd place doubles at the 2019 Southeast conference #1.
- 1st place in crew at multiple Southeast conference tournaments in the past few years.
- Back-to-back 1st place finishes with different partners at the inaugural and 2nd NFL Jaguars cornhole tournaments in 2017 and 2018.
- Multiple top 3 appearances in Large blind draws winning over $1000.
- I’ve been a pro in multiple cornhole organizations since 2015.

Chris Cuccia
Chris Cuccia
- 4-Peat Champ of Fenway Cornhole Classic
- Winner Dallas 105.3 The Fan Tourney
- Multiple Professional Tour Wins